Thursday, September 6, 2012

Labor Day Weekend Festivities

Well hello world. I'm going to try this Blogging thing again

So this weekend my cousin and I drove out to California for my Grandpa's funeral (i feel like there's a recurring theme here with my posts) hopefully this will be the last one for a long while. But this trip, was special, my two other cousins Martin and Duncan came along. Martin just got home from his mission in Provo, and Duncan is about to turn in his papers.  Needless to say it was a real good reunion, and what better way to catch up then spend 12 hours in a car with them?

especially when you have such beautiful scenery around you.  Gotta love them salt flats. 

The funeral was wonderful, a bagpiper marched in and played while we carried his casket in. It was really neat. After the funeral, we had a little fun and had a few laughs. We're a pretty good looking crew I think. 

The rest of the weekend consisted of us reverting to our 14 year old selves. We gave too many wet willies to count, ticked each other until we couldn't breathe, pulled a few pranks here and there and really had way too much fun. Which is pretty impressive considering we were in the most hellish part of california. 

 On the way to Costco, all four of us sat in the back seat (which we did every car ride), and somehow Martin squished me into the leg space so my legs were in the middle consul of the front seat and my but was in the leg space. Literally folded in half. 

Most of the car ride home consisted of me jumping from the front seat to the back seat to try and beat up on the two boys (i was provoked, usually a double wet willy and tickling was the case) but i never won. 

Although this picture might look like its three little boys because our hair is all the same length- it is in fact me with Martin and our other cousin Chris. 

All in all, even though we all met up for not the happiest of reasons - it was really nice to be able to hang out with extended family and become close with them again. I think we'll have a lot more family time in our future.