Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things To Do Instead of STUDYING

also can't stop listening to 

Summer! Summer! Summer!

Today was officially the last day of class! Weird...

Jay Bird is coming out to UT tomorrow to help me FINALLY move out of the apartment and move into a house with a bunch of ChiO's! I am sooo excited!!! Then its off to Nationals and then summer school...not great but next summer I will be free! Although this summer I do have to do school work I think it is going to be amazing. 

1. already have a Vegas trip planned

2. P90x with Meg

3. Laying out all day with Meg

4. Going to see Mike Mac in San Diego

6. Hopefully making it back to NY (cross your fingers on me getting a job!)


...just throwin it out there 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's true...I have the BEST friends.

Although i grew up in NY, i am slowly starting to call Utah "Home". It kills me a little inside but, the people i have met here are making it a little bit easier. I felt like reminiscing, so here are some of my favorite things/people from NY. 

 Sylvan Way- What a great street sign
 Steph and I at our Senior BBQ
 Jake and I at graduation
 Marisa and I at Jr. Prom (we were seniors) 
My group of friends the night before I left for UT in front of our HS

 If you're thinking, 'wow she looks young' it's because we were 16.
Andrew and I
 Elyssa, Grant, Lauren and I
Ty and I

But this semester has been the best. The girls i went on the cruise with and the girls on my lacrosse team are my family here. Literally. i am so grateful for them! i could write all day about them and post a million pictures but its almost time fore Easter dinner with the Welch's!! couldn't be more excited! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have a very obsessive personality. When I find something I like....well...let's just say, it's not good. 

Thing I'm currently obsessed with:

Justin Bieber.

Sue me. I love him. could you not? after seeing Never Say Never 3D, I became obsessed and never looked back. I wasn't a huge Bieber fan before...and now I have the Beibonic Plague. Not even mad about it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Musical DRAMA

Wednesday night, I dragged Em to Orem to see Hairspray! with me. Little did I know that this show is the most popular thing to hit Orem. So, we waited and waited and didn't get any tickets. (because obviously I didn't plan far enough ahead to realize the day my class is going is the day we have our lacrosse league championships.) One lady said she had been waiting since 6:30 (the show starts at 7:30) So to make absolutely sure I was going to get a ticket, I showed up at 4:45-5. I WAS THE SECOND PERSON IN LINE. really? c'mon. But I got in! the show was great! I'm obsessed. I had low expectations but they really did such a good job for a small space. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Klassy Kindle

Thanks to my wonderful Dad, JayBird as we like to call him - I now am a very proud owner of a white kindle! 

I have read more with this kindle than I probably have all semester. First of course being the Hunger Games. Which if you haven't read yet, you should drop whatever you are doing and go buy them.

Now i need to find a case, i can't decide if i want one with a light or just go for the cute Kate Spade ones...decisions decisions....

Tonight, i'm not sure exactly who but probably Elise, Meg, Emilee, maybe Beth if she isn't in P-Town are going to see Arthur. Maybe some dinner, of course ice cream. 

Here's a Trailer for it. Watch and enjoy my friends.