Thursday, April 28, 2011

Summer! Summer! Summer!

Today was officially the last day of class! Weird...

Jay Bird is coming out to UT tomorrow to help me FINALLY move out of the apartment and move into a house with a bunch of ChiO's! I am sooo excited!!! Then its off to Nationals and then summer school...not great but next summer I will be free! Although this summer I do have to do school work I think it is going to be amazing. 

1. already have a Vegas trip planned

2. P90x with Meg

3. Laying out all day with Meg

4. Going to see Mike Mac in San Diego

6. Hopefully making it back to NY (cross your fingers on me getting a job!)


...just throwin it out there 


  1. I want in on all things... oh wait just the laying out..and BETHS WEDDING... ok thank you!

  2. Yes, yes, and yesssss!!!!! I cannot wait!!
