Tuesday, January 10, 2012

81 Days

Clearly I have been off the blogger band wagon for a while but I have been peer pressured (more of a friendly reminder) into getting back on the wagon. 

So fall semester came and went, Christmas break came not at the happiest of times as my Uncle Ken passed away from pancreatic cancer on December 3 and was buried in Modesto, CA next to his Mother. Uncle Ken was one of the most wise men I have ever known, and I am so thankful that I am related to him. He went through trials that not many people can relate to. After his trials he met a wonderful woman and created a great family with 5 kids. He was a great example to everyone in too many ways to write. I am grateful that we were able to have so many holidays spent with the McNeil family. They are amazing people.

Uncle Ken with Jeremy (my brother), Matthew and Amy (both are cousins)

A painting my Grandma did of Uncle Byron and Uncle Ken (the littler boy) in the Canada wheat fields

Christmas was spent in Olympia, Washington with my brother, Jordan and his wife Bonnie and kids Chase, Collin and Carson. It was so nice to see everyone until practically the whole family got sick. Christmas eve I had a 102 fever, Chase had a cough, Collin was sick, Bonnie was nauseous - everyone in general just kind of felt bad. Good thing Santa still still comes even though you're sick! It was so fun watching the boys open their presents. Collin was opening all of Carson's and Chase was trying to open all of Collin's presents it was pretty funny to watch. 

My Dad got Jeremy, Jordan and I all stock of the Green Bay Packers, so now we officially own part of our favorite team The Packers! Such a cool, creative gift that we all really love. Who wants to go to the stock holders meeting in July?

A quick trip to San Francisco with Cousin Kerri, Aunt Nanci and my Mom! 

Where we ate the best Crepes! 

The boys

Baby Carson

Collin with the cat

 Chase getting ready for karate

Carson's 1st Birthday

Collin loved Pooh, the cat

Most of my other nights were spent like this..... 

That's all for now... see you in 81 days! (kidding)

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! I love that last picture! And yay! for finally writing! Good times!
