Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Car Gods

Me and the Car Gods have some serious beef.

Their hate is just pouring down upon me.
I have had enough car troubles to last me until I have kids. I really wish that was a joke. 

Jan 31. Car problems (Don't want to say anything online, if you want details - ask)

Feb. 5 driving with my dad in Sugar House, I made a U-Turn and hit a curb kind of messing up my front bumper

Feb. 10 it had been warm that day so the snow had been melting, but at night it froze so it was pretty icy. As I was driving home from a late (10-11pm) lacrosse practice, going up a curvy hill - I hit the curb and had to have my car towed away. (so sad)

Feb. 23 After seeing the amazing Never Say Never Director's Cut 3D and being so, so happy I got a flat tire on I-215 in a BLIZZARD. The worst. Luckily a guy named Justin (how ironic) came and changed it for me. What a super hero.

Feb. 28 I get a speeding ticket on my way from ChiO meeting to lacrosse practice. 

Mar. 7 I got a new rental car the next day after the flat tire incident so today as I'm driving to meeting I was thinking to myself "man, I better be extra careful!" and I made it to meeting with no problems! I obviously spoke too soon. I get into my car and try to drive out and I'm just having the worst time. (this is in Kappa parking lot FYI) So I start to drive and I am going no where anytime fast. The car keeps getting stuck and is just slipping and sliding all over. AHH so frustrating. Thank goodness for some fraternity boys from Phi Delt (and Katie!) who helped me push my car into a spot so I can get it tomorrow when there's hopefully no snow! 

I would also like to add, with this whole car getting stuck situation I had to miss The Bachelor at the Madsen house. 

Sorry Brad. 

So I guess the moral of this story is....Who wants to be my driver?

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